السبت، 1 أكتوبر 2016

Describe hydrocarbon oil shows.((المهندس/العـــــــــزي البريهي))

fluoroscope, describe, hydrocarbon, oil shows

صور,العزي البريهي

oil shows
                         How to describe hydrocarbon oil shows
1-   Oil stain:
   Look for oil staining on the washed cuttings in the sample tray
      put the Tray under microscope and describe:                       
a –Distribution:-                                       B- COLOR
·          speckld                  spkld                                                 light brown                        lt brn    
·         Spotty                    spty                                                    medium brown                  med brn
·         Streaky                  strk                                                    brown                                   brn
·         patchy                   pch                                                    dark brown                           dk brn
·         even                      evn
2-   Odor :-  
·         Fair                             fr
·         Medium                     med
·         Good                          gd
·         strong                       strng
3-   Direct fluorescence((oil shows)): -   put the sample tray inside fluoroscope and describe
a-    Distribution                  B- intensity               c- color
·         Pinpoint                                    pale                pl                        light blue 
·         Speckled                                   dull                 dull                     white yellow
·         Spotty                                       medium           med                      yellow                 
·         Streaky                                     bright               brt                        dark yellow
·         Patchy                                                                                              golden
·         Even                                                                                                  brown
4-  Cut  fluorescence((oil shows))  :-  Under fluoroscope take some cuttings in porcelains then add        solvent to the cuttings and describe:
a-    Speed                       B -type
·         Slow                                   streaming              ( strmg)                    poor porosity
·         Medium                            blooming                 blomg                  good porosity
·         Fast
·         instant
C – Intensity                             D - color
·         Pale                                                    ligth blue 
·         Dull                                                   white yellow
·         Bright                                                 orange                                                                         
·         Medium                                             yellow                                                                            green
5-   Natural  cut  :-    Put some dried stained cutting in test tube, add 2cm of  solvent                                And shake it well then leave it for( 5-10 minutes ) in normal light describe the color and comparing with reference color:
color of product is
·          Very light yellow               Low oil concentration
·          Light yellow
·          Medium tea
·          Dark tea
·          Coffee                                 High oil concentration
6-    Residual Ring ((oil shows)): - Take the porcelain out of the fluorescence and in normal light Describe:
a--Thickness of residual oil ring                    
·          Very thin                         Low saturation      
·          Thin
·          Medium thick
·         Thick
·          Very thick                     High saturation
B- Color of residual oil ring
·          Light yellow                             Light oil            
·          Light brown
·          Medium brown
·          Dark brown                              Heavy oil
7-  Oil shows quality:
·         Trace
·         good
·         Poor
·         Fair

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